Non-Fault Accident
Our Car Accident Repair Service
Had a car accident that wasn’t your fault? Don’t stress—we’ve got you covered! Our Car Non-Fault Accident Service takes the hassle out of the claims process, ensuring you get back on the road quickly and effortlessly.
Non-Fault Motor Claims
- A like for like replacement Vehicle
A comprehensive Range of Vehicles available from our own Fleet
- No Policy Excess to pay
The other driver’s insurance is liable to cover all costs
- No Loss of your No Claims Discount
Protects your No Claims Discount
- We handle all the Paperwork on your behalf
Liaise with Insurers, our In-House Hire Company and panel Solicitors
- A Hassle-free and Seamless Service
With minimal Effort on your behalf

"Dear John, just to say how thrilled I am with my car, you really have made a wonderful repair on my wing and bumper - thank you all so much. I would like to thank you also for the kind "taxi service" so much appreciated I'm telling all my friends about your firm with sincere thanks."
Mr Hicks (Middlesex)
If you would like to find out more about this or any of our other services, call us on: Dentfix - 0800 0188899